Dentistry is changing more rapidly than ever before. Our team prides ourselves on utilizing the most advanced dental technology to create a better service and guaranteed satisfaction. Every time.
Quieter Drills
Does the sound of the dental drill cause anxiety for you? We use the latest high speed hand pieces that minimize noise and vibration. You will hardly notice it when we’re working so you can be as relaxed as possible during your appointment.
Laser Dentistry
Dental lasers can be used to heal painful cold sores and ulcers. They can also help recontour overgrown gum tissue.
Intra Oral Camera
High definition cameras allow us to take close-up pictures of your teeth which helps both the doctors and you to better visualize problems that are difficult to detect and show.
Kid’s Corner
Our Kid’s Corner, located in our waiting room, allows kids to watch movies and/or play video games while waiting for siblings or other family members.
Don’t want to be numb for hours after your dental appointment? OraVerse reverses the effect of anesthetic within 30 minutes, allowing you to continue your day like normal following an appointment.
Low Radiation X-Rays
Advanced digital imaging creates a higher resolution, which results in a more accurate diagnosis at a lower radiation exposure.
Spectra Cavity Detection
Cavities in deep grooves and pits of teeth can be difficult to diagnose. Using a camera, Dr. Zuidema and Dr. Hess are able to gauge much more precisely when a stained groove becomes a cavity that needs to be filled.
Personal TV Monitors
Personal TV monitors allow us to give each patient full view of X-rays and other images. It also allows patients to watch cable television during their appointment!